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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleDoes Classical Music Soothe Cats Like It Does Dogs?

Does Classical Music Soothe Cats Like It Does Dogs?

Harmony Whisker ยท Posted on April 27th, 2024

Is Classical Music a Universal Soother for Pets?

When it comes to calming our furry friends, music can be a powerful tool. Although much has been discussed about the soothing effects of classical music on dogs, cat owners often wonder if the same holds true for their feline companions. In this deep dive, we will explore whether classical music is also effective in calming cats or if this phenomenon is limited only to dogs.

The Science Behind Music and Animal Calmness

Studies have shown that certain types of music can have a calming effect on animals. For instance, classical music with its slower tempos, simpler melodies, and less aggressive tones tends to reduce stress and anxiety in dogs. The question is, do cats experience the same level of tranquility when exposed to the likes of Bach or Mozart?

Research indicates that cats do, indeed, respond to music, but not necessarily in the same way as dogs. Cats are unique creatures with different sensory processing than dogs, and they require a different auditory experience. A study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison revealed that cats showed more positive behaviors when exposed to 'cat-specific' music designed with frequencies and tempos that mimic the natural vocalizations of cats or the sounds they would find soothing.

Classical Music for Cats: A Closer Look

While 'cat-specific' music might be more effective, that doesn't mean classical music has no place in a cat's world. Anecdotal evidence from cat owners suggests that some cats do appear to relax when classical music is played. It may not be as targeted as cat-specific music, but it could still provide a general atmosphere of calm that benefits your cat.

It's important to note that every cat is an individual, and their reactions to music can vary widely. What soothes one cat might not affect another, so it's worth experimenting with different types of classical music to see how your cat responds.

Creating a Musical Sanctuary for Your Pet

If you're considering using music to create a calming environment for your pet, TikTok Music offers a range of playlists that could be just what you're looking for. From calming classical tunes to tailor-made tracks for pets, you can find the perfect background music to help your furry friend unwind.

Why not give it a try and see the effect on your pet? You can download TikTok Music and explore their selection of pet-friendly music today.


In conclusion, while classical music may not be as specifically calming for cats as it is for dogs, it does have the potential to create a serene environment that can benefit all pets. With individual preferences playing a significant role, it's essential to observe your cat's behavior and preferences when introducing them to classical music. And remember, TikTok Music is a great resource for finding the right tunes to soothe your furry family member.