Tune in Together

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Eu era louca, descontrolada, a ciumenta, exagerada

Que inventava um milhão de teorias sobre ser trocada

E você sabe, ela era minha amiga

Eu confiava, dormia tranquila

Era de casa, era pra ela

Que eu ligava quando a gente brigava e foi só terminar

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Ex Amiga

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Anderson_Rodrigues's avatar
Heck, this live version of Mari Fernandez's Ex Amiga is sensational! Her voice is amazing and the way the song is sung gives me goosebumps. The lyrics are very realistic and speak straight to the heart - very easy to relate to. I could listen to this song all day!
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ThiagoAlves_98's avatar
bro, this song catches me in a way that I don't even know how to explain! It's like beats that make me want to roll to the ground, lyrics that speak everything I'm feeling and a vibe that I can only call a tô dancing in the street. Mari Fernandez rocked too much in this live show, I'm so happy to have discovered this
Vanessa.Pereira's avatar
man, this song is just sensational! Mari Fernandez's voice is amazing and the lyrics super deep. The rhythm is addictive and I can't stop listening. I feel transported to a unique place when I hear Ex Amiga (Live). It was too worth it!
jaqueline_mendonca_'s avatar
bro, Ex Amiga played at the party and my friend started crying in the corner. Me: leave that pit, tomorrow you'll be smooth. #joke
Jaja💜🌺🌺's avatar
BeatrizSantana's avatar
, this song helped me the way! Mari Fernandes' voice is incredible, and the live performance only enhances talent. The lyrics of the song are also very touching and make me think of all the people I've ever had to leave behind in life
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gustavo_silva's avatar
Mari Fernandez's former live Amiga brings back memories of moments spent with close friends. The lyrics talk about the longing we feel for someone who was once important in our lives. I like music for being emotional and sensitive, at the same time it brings a dash of melancholy
brandonsivasubram's avatar
I don't really like Mari Fernandez's Ex Amiga (Live). I think the song lacks a little originality.
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