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6 Hungarian Rhapsodies, S. 359/R. 441: No. 2 in D Minor
Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra
Mátyás Antál
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St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244: No. 42 Arie (Bass): Gebt Mir Meinen Jesum Wieder!
Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra
Géza Oberfrank
Istvan Gati
Hungarian Festival Chorus
Classical Music Dinner Playlist
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St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244: No. 64 Rezitativ (Bass): Am Abend, da Es Kuhle War
Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra
Géza Oberfrank
Istvan Gati
Hungarian Festival Chorus
The Greatest Classical Music for Studying
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St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244: No. 39 Arie (Alt): Erbarme Dich, Mein Gott
Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra
Géza Oberfrank
Istvan Gati
Hungarian Festival Chorus
The Greatest Classical Music
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St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244: No. 35 Arie (Tenor): Geduld! Geduld!
Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra
Géza Oberfrank
Istvan Gati
Hungarian Festival Chorus
Classical Music Morning Playlist
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St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244: No. 12 Rezitativ (Sopran): Wiewohl Mein Herz in Tranen Schwimmt
Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra
Géza Oberfrank
Istvan Gati
Hungarian Festival Chorus
Classical Music Dinner Playlist
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St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244: No. 25 Choral: Was Mein Gott Will
Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra
Géza Oberfrank
Istvan Gati
Hungarian Festival Chorus
Classical Music Masters
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St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244: No. 14 Rezitativ: Und da Sie Den Lobgesang Gesprochen Hatten
Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra
Géza Oberfrank
Istvan Gati
Hungarian Festival Chorus
Classical Music Car Ride
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St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244: No. 38 Rezitativ Und Chor: Petrus Aber Sass Draussen Im Palast
Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra
Géza Oberfrank
Istvan Gati
Hungarian Festival Chorus
Relax and Unwind with Classical Music
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St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244: No. 23 Arie (Bass): Gerne Will Ich Mich Bequemen
Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra
Géza Oberfrank
Istvan Gati
Hungarian Festival Chorus
Classical music for Baby and mummy
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St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244: No. 49 Arie (Sopran): Aus Liebe Will Mein Heiland Sterben!
Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra
Géza Oberfrank
Istvan Gati
Hungarian Festival Chorus
Hotel Lobby Classical Music Playlist
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