Tune in Together

Total Solidão (Total Eclipse Of The Heart)'s poster image

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Eu fico me sentindo meio louco

Ouvindo o som silencioso das minhas lágrimas

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A saudade fica aqui perambulando

Em todo cômodo sem nada dessa casa

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Eu vejo que a minha melhor fase foi a época

Que eu tava nos seus braços

Depois fim

Eu sinto que o meu presente

É uma eterna nostalgia do passado

Depois do fim eu sou nada além de nada

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Total Solidão (Total Eclipse Of The Heart)

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TikTok Music Brasil's avatar
TikTok Music Brasil
What is your opinion about the instrumentation of "Total Solidão (Total Eclipse Of The Heart)" by Lari and Maiara & Maraisa? Do you think she complements the song well? And what is your favorite track of the artists? Comment down below with #DescobrindoMúsica 🎶
rafael.santanaSP's avatar
Man, I was hearing this here when my cat got on the table and started dancing fervently. I've never laughed so hard in life, too comical an animal.
Som Livre's avatar
Som Livre
They got it right a lot
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