Tune in Together

Malandragem's poster image

(Meu amigo Zezo, só você)

(Alô, Ninho)

Quem sabe eu ainda sou uma garotinha

Esperando o ônibus da escola sozinha

Sentado com minhas meias três quartos

Rezando baixo pelos cantos

Por ser uma menina má

Quem sabe o príncipe virou um chato

Que vive dando no meu saco

Quem sabe a vida é não sonhar (só vocês, vai, vai)

(Eu só peço a Deus

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TikTok Music Brasil's avatar
TikTok Music Brasil
Raí Saia Rodada is a forró band originally from Caraúbas, in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte. It was created in April 2001 and became known for its lively and dancing songs within the forró genre. The band is led by singer Raí Soares. #Curiosity
TikTok Music Brasil's avatar
TikTok Music Brasil
Are you a fan of Raí Saia Rodada, Luan Stylizado and Zezo? What other songs or similar artists do you recommend listening to to continue to be inspired by the forró scene? Share your opinion in the comments and let's #Discovering together!
TikTok Music Brasil's avatar
TikTok Music Brasil
The song "Malandragem" is a combination of forró and sertanejo, played by #RaíSaiaRodada, #LuanEstilizado and #Zezo.The lyrics talk about the naive vision of life, love disappointments and the search for trickery to deal with adversity. The melody is lively and dancing, with fast-paced and an easy-to-sing chorus to sing along with. Live, the music gains more energy and interaction with the audience. #alReview
Thairon Rocha's avatar
Thairon Rocha
zezo is barrel santana bahia fair enjoying daki
user3873817275940's avatar
too good 🙂
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