Tune in Together

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That's quite a number to sing

Spotlit, getting lowered in

Can you co-direct and play the twins

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Big Ideas

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TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
What is your favorite Arctic Monkeys song and which band or artist would you compare it to? #Discovery
Louie Drayden's avatar
Louie Drayden
When I listened to this song immediately wew it turned out that Alex Turner's falsetto voice accompanied by the orchestra was very suitable, like match made in heaven. I can't imagine if I can directly watch the concert in Jakarta # RessoBagiUntuk
TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
#ArcticMonkeys released Big Ideas in 2021, with no information on who produced the single. The song features a classic guitar-bass-drum instrumentation, with swaying lyrics and an energetic, rocking melody. #Review
TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
Arctic Monkeys' song "Big Ideas" was originally released in 2007 as a b-side to the single "Teddy Picker," but was re-recorded in 2019 to be included on their acclaimed album "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino." #Fact
Carlos.Falconi_'s avatar
The, although it is not a comparison, is magnificent, at this point it is impressive to see what Alex Turner has done, pointing out this type of work...
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