Tune in Together

Ela Que Rave's poster image

Ela me falou que quer rave

Depois falou que quer bebida

Eita novinha da zorra

Ninguém segura essa menina

Ela falou que quer rave

Depois falou que quer bebida

Eita novinha da zorra

Ninguém segura essa menina

Ela me falou que quer rave, bebida

Quer bala pra ficar na brisa, na brisa

Eu falei bebê então toma uma balinha

Que hoje tem Dz7 e 'tá cheio de novinha

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Ela Que Rave

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aurelie61888's avatar
simply amazing! I can't stop listening. The wraparound beats make me dance until I'm out of breath. And the lyrics are so deep they make me reflect on life. It's a perfect blend of magical beats and introspective lyrics that make me feel alive!
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TikTok Music Brasil's avatar
TikTok Music Brasil
What is your opinion about the instrumentation of "Ela Que Rave" by Neto LX? Any featured instruments for you? And what is your favorite singer track? Share your opinion on #DecobrindoMúsica 💬
AndersonR's avatar
Guys, I was listening to this song and I started dancing like crazy. But then my mother arrived and I almost died of shame!
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ziadokuk's avatar
I don't like her very much She Rave do Neto LX, I think it lacks a more striking dance and a more captivating chorus. But it's still nice to hear
GustavoVieira_'s avatar
she Que Rave reminds me of teen parties, such a good time! The music has an immersive dance and fun lyrics. I love the way she makes me dance and sing along even after so long
Guilherme.Santos's avatar
the music has an infectious rhythm that makes me want to dance and sing along. The lyrics are lively and fun, bringing a positive energy. I like the combination of the strong dance with the percussion instruments. It's a song that makes me happy and transports me to a world of partying and fun.
marcosPereira_sulistamusical's avatar
what a good vibe, this song can't get out of my head! The rhythm is incredible, impossible not to want to dance. Neto LX, you rocked!
ashleyhaglund's avatar
I found the music lively and fun, it has a dance that makes you want to dance. I liked the chorus, but some parts of the lyrics are a little.
ThiagoCarvalho_'s avatar
Mano, I was on a rave and they played Ela Que Rave do Neto LX. I went crazy and started dancing like crazy, it was already the attraction of the party!
Wedney Alves125's avatar
Wedney Alves125
then said that drink 😏👍
prensadinhofastfo's avatar
prensadinhofastfo's avatar
peba music
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