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Tune in Together
Wings of the Windhorse (Kyipey Nyima) (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
Camerata - Queensland's Chamber Orchestra
Tenzin Choegyal
Katherine Philp
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Pala (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
Camerata - Queensland's Chamber Orchestra
Tenzin Choegyal
Katherine Philp
Yeshi Dolma (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
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Snow Lion (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
Camerata - Queensland's Chamber Orchestra
Tenzin Choegyal
Katherine Philp
Yeshi Dolma (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
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Wings of the Windhorse (Kyipey Nyima) (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
Camerata - Queensland's Chamber Orchestra
Tenzin Choegyal
Katherine Philp
Yeshi Dolma (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
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Yeshi Dolma (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
Camerata - Queensland's Chamber Orchestra
Tenzin Choegyal
Katherine Philp
Yeshi Dolma (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
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Wo La So (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
Camerata - Queensland's Chamber Orchestra
Tenzin Choegyal
Katherine Philp
Yeshi Dolma (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
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Dzomo (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
Camerata - Queensland's Chamber Orchestra
Tenzin Choegyal
Katherine Philp
Yeshi Dolma (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
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Heart Strings (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
Camerata - Queensland's Chamber Orchestra
Tenzin Choegyal
Katherine Philp
Yeshi Dolma (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
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Nomad Song (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
Camerata - Queensland's Chamber Orchestra
Tenzin Choegyal
Katherine Philp
Yeshi Dolma (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
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Dolma (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
Camerata - Queensland's Chamber Orchestra
Tenzin Choegyal
Katherine Philp
Yeshi Dolma (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
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Himalaya (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
Camerata - Queensland's Chamber Orchestra
Tenzin Choegyal
Katherine Philp
Yeshi Dolma (feat. Tenzin Choegyal & Katherine Philp)
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