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Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree

I travel the world and the seven seas

Everybody's looking for something

Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree

I travel the world and the seven seas

Everybody's looking for something

Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree

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Sweet Dreams

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TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
Do you already know the song "Sweet Dreams" by Kilian K, Nito-Onna, MEYSTA? What do you think of the mix of sounds in the instrumentation of this song? What's your opinion? Share in the comments and join #Discovery. 💬
TikTok Music Brasil's avatar
TikTok Music Brasil
In addition to his successful music career, #KilianK has also gained industry experience as creative and A&R, cementing his place as a prominent figure in the streaming world. #Curiosity
TikTok Music Brasil's avatar
TikTok Music Brasil
What song do you recommend for those who enjoy the style of Kilian K, Nito-Onna and MEYSTA? #Discovering
TikTok Music Brasil's avatar
TikTok Music Brasil
The song "Sweet Dreams" is characterized by a pop melody that mixes elements of classical and R&B music. The instrumentation is predominantly contemporary, using synthesizers and striking beats. #Reviewal
lcisorend's avatar
kilIAn k's voice is pure magic
Eric's avatar
sweeeet dreams are made of zzzzzz's
Osvaldo De Olivei950's avatar
Osvaldo De Olivei950
I love super top 😍
jeanfernandes1172's avatar
no one commands no one
♥︎'s avatar
fifth to comment, mt top love these songs
Elias legal's avatar
Elias legal
today is my birthday 😀😀😀
♥︎'s avatar
__/} (- . -) />🍦 give a like and win an ice cream!
flaviojsa01's avatar
Look at the juice there only 1 like _/} (. _.) *is it going to be a little juice? * (>🥤~
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