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Música Romántica

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TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
"Música Romántica" was one of the biggest hits of 2022 in the regional Mexican genre, reaching number one on the Mexican Music Billboard chart. #Fact
TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
"Música Romántica" is a song by singers #PanchoBarraza and #GrupoFirme. The song features a norteña band melody and features instruments such as drums, guitar, bass, accordion ands. The lyrics of the song focus on singing to the love and friendship of times past. #Review
TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
If you like the style of Pancho Barraza or Grupo Firme, you should definitely listen to Banda MS. With a unique combination of mariachi and band, their music is a hit throughout Mexico and Latin America, don't miss their romantic ballads and their most moving songs! #Discovery
🙈𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓪 𝓞𝓼's avatar
🙈𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓪 𝓞𝓼
tiktok musica is the best ❤️‍🩹 application 🈸 for listening to music. 🎵
Fernando Martinez's avatar
Fernando Martinez
la la la la la la 🎶 that's all tiktok!!!!
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