Tune in Together

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No sé si te di a entender lo que yo quiero

Dedicarte mis canciones, terminarte un libro entero

Por lo que veo

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Lo Que Quiero

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TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
Natanael Cano and Tyan G's "Lo Que Quiero" debuted at #14 on the Hot Latin Songs chart in March 2021 and stayed on the chart for 8 weeks. #FunFact
TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
Which artists or bands similar to Natanael Cano or Tyan G would you recommend? #Discovery
TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
"Lo Que Quiero" is a song by Natanael Cano and Tyan G. It was composed by both artists and produced by Ely J. Eliet. The lyrics describe an unrequited love and the struggle to free herself from that feeling. The song was released in April 2021. #Fact
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