Tune in Together

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Why are you keeping me at a distance

All that I'm asking for is forgiveness

Are you even listening

Am I talking to myself again

I keep on staring up at the ceiling

Waiting for you to give me some kind of reason

Are you even listening

Am I talking to myself again

And I know you don't owe me your love

I know that you don't owe me nothing at all

Ain't no way I'm giving up on you

Don't leave me here in the dark where it's hard to see

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Shed a Light

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TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
Shed a Light reached #1 on Billboard's Dance Club Songs chart, becoming Schulz's seventh song and David Guetta's eighth to accomplish this feat. #Fact
aaarronn's avatar
Shed a Light marks a perfect mix of uplifting production, emotive vocals, and an infectious melody. The collaboration certainly delivers an electrifying and emotional hit that soothes the soul. 🎶💕
TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
Which electronic music artists would you recommend if you like Robin Schulz, David Guetta and Cheat Codes? #Discovery
TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
#RobinSchulz, #DavidGuetta, #CheatCodes composed "Shed a Light," featuring singer Cheat Codes. The song employs a heavy synthesizer on the instrumentation, and features a chorus that incorporates guitars and drums. The track is led by a 17-note bass line that reminisces to the sound of Daft Punk. #Review
Lola❤️'s avatar
🎉🌟 This song is my new jam! The beats are insane and the lyrics speak to me. #ShedaLight
jandy's avatar
beautiful music amoo😍💕
Cleiton Silva's avatar
Cleiton Silva
top Dj Robin Shulze David Pierry Guetta.
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BehindTheMusic's avatar
Fun fact: This is the first collab between Robin and David. #BehindtheMusic
BehindTheMusic's avatar
This tune is about knowing you have messed up and dreading how friends and family react. The WORST feeling! #BehindtheMusic
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