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The Power of Love (Radio Edit)'s poster image

The whispers in the morning

Of lovers sleeping tight

Are rolling like thunder now

As I look in your eyes

I hold on to your body

And feel each move you make

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The Power of Love (Radio Edit)

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TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
Have you heard "The Power of Love (Radio Edit)" by Céline Dion yet? Do you think the instrumentation does justice to the shocking lyrics of the song? Tell me what you thought and if you have it on your playlist. Join #Discovery and share your thoughts 💬
BehindTheMusic's avatar
"The Power of Love (Radio Edit)" is an emotional and powerful song that showcases Céline Dion's amazing vocal range. It was originally recorded by Jennifer Rush in 1984, but Céline's version was released as a single in 1993 and became a hit worldwide. The song is about the overwhelming feeling of love and how it can transform lives. #BehindtheMusic
🛡️Miguel  o Arcanjo🛡️'s avatar
🛡️Miguel o Arcanjo🛡️
"I believe love is what I feel when I remember you I know you are far away, but inside my heart I can feel your presence. And even the time that passes, doesn't let your memory go away, It seems like yesterday we met..."💞💞
gastonsaputra's avatar
Topik Hidayat's avatar
Topik Hidayat
song when my mother was dating
B's avatar
old song but very tasteful. right listen to the car
E's avatar
cause I'm your ladyyyy... and you're mameennn.... asekk, beratt ceyyy
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