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Miracle (Brannco Remix) (feat. Vic Brow)'s poster image

If you're gonna save the day

And you're hearin' what I say

I feel your touch, your kiss

Is not enough

And if you believe in me

Don't think my love's for free

I won't take nothin' less

Than a deeper love

Let me tell you, you know

Aah, I need a miracle

I need a miracle

It's more than physical

What I need to feel from you

So let me tell you

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Miracle (Brannco Remix) (feat. Vic Brow)

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isabelle.oliveira's avatar
mercy! pure fire! When the beat goes down, I feel like my soul leaves the body. And those vocals from Vic Brow take that to another level. JØRD did great in production, and I'm addicted! It's one of those songs that make your day better, you know? Without a doubt one of the best I've ever heard
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AlinePinto's avatar
simply sensational! The dance is engaging and there's no way not to mess with it. The combination of Vic Brow's voice with the JØRD production was perfect, and the lyrics are one that we never tire of singing along to. This remix is a real miracle, I'm completely addicted to it!
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fernandinhamachado's avatar
this dance is really addictive! The vibe d surreal! JØRD and Vic Brow did very well with Miracle ( Remix). It's the kind of music that doesn't make you want to stop listening to. I'm already recommending it in general!
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CamilaRocha's avatar
this remix is amazing! The dance is sensational and Vic Brow's voice stands out. A great JØRD choice. <3
CaioCastroCantor's avatar
the energy that this remix conveys is incredible! it's very vibrant and Vic Brow's vocal is magnificent. I loved the instrumentality too
giovanna.ferreira's avatar
the song Miracle ( Remix) is a vibe that makes me want to dance like there's no tomorrow! The immersive beat beat beats me right and Vic Brow's voice is sensational. There's no way to stop with this song. They rocked, JØRD and Vic Brow!
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