Tune in Together

Ojalá's poster image

Yo necesito ganas, no querer ganar

Y si algún día perdiese mi miedo a perder

Me duele haber corrido para no llegar

Ahora sé que el camino es la meta, también

Ya me crecieron miedos que nunca eduqué

Y me sé las respuestas, p**o preguntar

Ya sentí como nadie, cuando tuve el bien

Y lloré como todos, cuando algo se va

Nadie te enseña a ser fuerte, pero te obligan

Nunca nadie quiso un débil para confiar

Nadie te enseña los pasos en un mundo que

Te obliga cada día a levantarte y caminar

Donde fuiste tan feliz, siempre regresarás

Aunque confundas dolor con la felicidad

Y ya no seas ni tú mismo, pero pienses en ti mismo

Y eso matará

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TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
What other bands or artists do you like besides Beret? #Discovery
Maite Cipriano's avatar
Maite Cipriano
"I need desire not to want to win And if I ever lose my fear of losing, it hurts me to have run for it doesn't come" #Beret This song is dedicated to those people who are heartbroken and still keep going.
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Malu de Matos's avatar
Malu de Matos
The piano sound in this song creates the ideal atmosphere for what Beret is singing. The string sound behind ends up giving the emotional touch #Ojala.
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Lívia Cosme's avatar
Lívia Cosme
The lyrics of this song are like a dream come true.
Raúl Ruíz's avatar
Raúl Ruíz
I love the mix of voices from the artists, and the lyrics are very real. one of my favorites at the moment!
Pietro Assumpção's avatar
Pietro Assumpção
I love the rhythm and the lyrics are so much fun. it has become one of my favorites!
Benjamín Fuentes's avatar
Benjamín Fuentes
A perfect combination that I can't stop listening to.
Otávio Bernardini's avatar
Otávio Bernardini
Importance of being remembered and not falling into oblivion.
Emagrecer Saudável's avatar
Emagrecer Saudável
beret is the best
Ana Luísa de Aguiar's avatar
Ana Luísa de Aguiar
Very good tropical rhythm, I think the voice started loose but recovered from the first chorus.
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