Tune in Together

Mi Amigo el de Arriba's poster image

Agradecido con el de arriba, pero el de mas arriba

Con el todo poderoso se ha hecho mi socio mi buen amigo

Me saco de la pobreza esa maldita es mi enemiga

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Mi Amigo el de Arriba

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Ícaro Campos's avatar
Ícaro Campos
It is perfect for dancing and having a good time. I love it!
Davi Lucas Bispo's avatar
Davi Lucas Bispo
Incredible collaboration between these artists. Won't you dance to this cool song?
Sebastian Pacheco's avatar
Sebastian Pacheco
Song that makes you feel that life is a gift!
Ricardo Rios's avatar
Ricardo Rios
The music has an evocative quality
Edward Wild Berdz's avatar
Edward Wild Berdz
Welcome to the comments corner. (\_/) (-) />🌹 Take a beautiful rose. Let us know your opinion and feel at home sharing your thoughts on this amazing song.
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