Tune in Together

U Need It / U Don't's poster image

Good plan to be successful in the game

But liars snakes and fake friends

Banking safe stash your money

20 cars 20 cribs 20 kids

Get the power while you can

Concieted wanna be body guards

Cause man I dun seen the biggest niggas get beaten

But a artist get mugged shot up and skunked

You should get a box of glocks

U might need it

But west automatics that jam

U don't

Streets smarts and a cool education

U need it

Ditching school n getting laid and not paid

U don't

Ma- braveheart and down for whatever

U need it

But thinking like a coward being scared

U don't

You always run to your family when things get low

When your friends that was friends

Isn't friends no more

U need it

U need it U don't don't don't

U need it

U need it U don't don't don't

U need it

A new way of living your life

U gon need it

The 19th hundred lifestyle

U don't

An attourney that'll get you out of problems

U need it

3 strikes and 25 to life

U don't

Buy some things to make you happy

U need it

Buying too much n going bankrupt

U don't

Cause man I dun seen the biggest ballers (mistreated)

So broke they had 2 come ask me

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U Need It / U Don't

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