Tune in Together

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You should've seen by the look

In my eyes baby

There was somethin' missin'

You should've known by the tone of

My voice maybe

But you didn't listen you played dead

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Keep on Loving You

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TikTok Music Latin's avatar
TikTok Music Latin
What do you think of REO Speedwagon's song "Keep on Loving You"? Do you think their lyrics are heartfelt and touching, or do you prefer other songs by the band? Leave us your opinion and join the #Discovery!
TikTok Music Australia's avatar
TikTok Music Australia
"Keep on Loving You" was REO Speedwagon's first and only number-one hit on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The song was written by lead singer Kevin Cronin and was included in the band's album "Hi Infidelity" which was their most successful album to date. #BehindtheMusic
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