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Se O Inferno é Eterno O ParaíSo é Cruel

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Featuring se-o-inferno-é-eterno-o-paraíso-é-cruel
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A Cruz e o Paraíso's cover

A Cruz e o Paraíso


Composer: Anderson Freire

JessicaOliveira_83's avatar
Wow how I love rensso! I don't do anything else in my time off; rensso rensso until 1 am I am in love listening to gospel and international music note mil
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TikTok Music Brasil's avatar
TikTok Music Brasil
Have you heard "The Cross and Paradise" by #AndersonFreire and #Fernandinho? I love the instrumentation of this track and the lyrics are just amazing. What are your favorite parts? Share your opinion in the comments below! 💬 #Discovering
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