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CastraçãO A Pialo No ViolãO

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BrunoFerreira.92's avatar
I love listening to these more regional songs !! they always remind me of the time I went to live inside with my uncles, family party was just classic like this #SouRomantico
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EduardoLima's avatar
mourning, filthy vein, songs toa good dr going out dancing. I wish I had gone to a dance of his before I passed away. I love his songs with my heart. mourning for his vein.🙏🙏🙏😢😢
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darenhegie's avatar
I used to hear this song a lot when I went to the south, at my uncle's house, I even remember some scenes that I tried, chimarrão kkkkkkkkk I didn't like it but I respect those who like #brasil
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Castração a Pealo's cover

Castração a Pealo

Garotos do Surungo
Released: 2022-02-06
© ℗ 2022 Garotos do Surungo