Tune in Together

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Turning Point



Artist Overview

# Punk Rock

# Rock

# Pop


Turning Point was an American straight edge hardcore band from New Jersey, United States, that existed from 1988 to 1991.Their early releases had the sound of straight edge hardcore of the time, with lyrics relating to social issues or being straight edge.The later material was a lot more emo influenced, integrating more emotional lyrics, softer vocal delivery and octave chords. This eventually led the way for other straight edge/hardcore bands to do so, such as Split Lip and Falling Forward. Lead singer Skip Candelori and guitarist Jay Laughlin previously formed Moorestown, New Jersey-based Pointless.Ken Flavell, drums, originally played drums with brother Chris Flavell in the early southern New Jersey hardcore band, Failsafe.Nick Greif, bass, previously played bass in the late 80's straight-edge hardcore band, Awareness.Matthew Kerfoot, guitarist in Awareness, was Greif's original choice to play drums in Turning Point.Kerfoot declined, opting to leave for college. Candelori died in 2002 of an accidental drug overdose. In March 2016, it has been announced that the band will be present in the "This is Hardcore" festival, to be held in Philadelphia, PA, the days August 4–7, 2016.Tim McMahon of Mouthpiece and others will take the mic in that occasion.

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