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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleIs XELA Reviving Doom Folk with Electronica?

Is XELA Reviving Doom Folk with Electronica?

MelodicScribe · Posted on May 19th, 2024

Xela OG, known artistically as XELA, is a soundscape architect who weaves the intricate genres of doom folk, drone, and electronic music into a mesmerizing tapestry. Born Alex Go in the British town of Walsall, XELA has since planted his roots in Malden, Massachusetts, becoming a notable figure in the ever-evolving electronic music scene.

From Brittle Electronica to Atmospherical Masterpieces

Embracing a variety of styles and moods, XELA's journey began with constructed beats and smart melodies infused with a brittle electronica core. Yet, it is in the layers of guitar and additional instrumentation that his earlier works like The Dead Sea find their full expression.

Influenced heavily by horror film soundtracks, especially those from cult classics by Dario Argento, Umberto Lenzi, and Lucio Fulci, XELA's music has progressively become more atmospheric, delving into folk, drone, and psychedelia. His affinity for the compositions of Goblin and Fabio Frizzi can be heard echoing throughout his tracks.

A Dive into 'In Bocca Al Lupo'

The pinnacle of XELA's innovative fusion is the discomforting, yet hauntingly beautiful album In Bocca Al Lupo. Comprising four long tracks, originally conceived as a single piece, the album resonates with loud funereal music that echoes the doom and noise influences of cult bands like Wolf Eyes and Sunn O))). Inspired by dark themes from Christian dogma and mythology, the album takes listeners on an eerie journey through sound.

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Mastering Musical Productivity

With his shift from intelligent dance music (IDM) to beat-driven to ambient sounds, XELA's creative productivity has soared. It's not just about frequency but the diversity of genres XELA explores that make his discography a treasure trove for music enthusiasts and a perfect exploration for users of the TikTok Music App.


XELA a.k.a. Xela OG stands as a beacon for the modern electronic musician. His unique blend of doomy folk textures with electronic finesse marks him as a pioneering spirit in the broader soundscape of music.