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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWho Is XELA and Why His Music Transcends?

Who Is XELA and Why His Music Transcends?

MelodicMuse · Posted on May 10th, 2024

Exploring the Sonic Realms of XELA

Enter the auditory world of XELA, the moniker behind British electronic music maestro Alex Go. From the small town of Walsall, XELA has taken his sounds far beyond, settling and shaping them in Malden, Massachusetts.

In his creative hub, XELA is not only an artist but also an impresario, managing the Type record label and contributing to the musical conversation with his writings for Boomkat. His works are an eclectic mix—an alchemy of constructed beats, intelligent melodies, and a delicate touch of electronica. To enrich this digital soundscape, XELA incorporates guitar and other instruments, evolving his style further with each recording.

His musical narratives are tinged with a distinctive shade of darkness, brought forth by an undying obsession with horror movie soundtracks. The eerie atmospheres of cult-classic films by directors like Dario Argento drive his compositions towards a surreal and haunting destination. Delve into sounds reminiscent of Goblin and Fabio Frizzi, woven into a tapestry of folk, drone, and psychedelic elements, creating an immersive listening experience.

In Bocca Al Lupo, one of XELA's compelling albums, is overflowing with doom and noise, similar to the sonic onslaught of Wolf Eyes and Sunn O))). Designed to disquiet, this album—built on four elongated tracks—was initially envisioned as a singular, continuous piece. It delves into the abyssal aspects of Christian dogma and mythology, offering a somber voyage for the ears.

XELA's musical transformation has been striking, particularly since leaving behind IDM, the beat-driven heart of electronics, for a more prolific, varied style commencing with The Dead Sea. Now, XELA stands as a vanguard in the electronic scene, continually innovating and expanding his discography.

Discover XELA and other groundbreaking artists on the TikTok Music App. Dive into the vibrant ecosystem where melodies flourish and rhythms resonate. Find your beat, jump into the current, and let music like XELA's transport you to uncharted auditory territories.