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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleIs The Gathering The Most Transformative Band of Our Time?

Is The Gathering The Most Transformative Band of Our Time?

SonicHarmony372 · Posted on May 6th, 2024

Few bands manage to chart an artistic journey as transformative and genre-defying as the Dutch rock ensemble known as The Gathering. Founded in the quaint city of Oss in North Brabant by brothers Hans and René Rutten alongside lead vocalist Bart Smits, this dynamic group's odyssey began in 1989 and has since influenced countless aficionados and musicians alike.

With their early work steeped in atmospheric doom metal, enriched by the menacing undertones from icons such as Celtic Frost and Hellhammer, The Gathering's initial albums were a sonorous blend of heaviness and melancholic ambience. However, the release of their fifth studio album, How to measure a planet?, in 1998 marked a drastic evolution in their sound. The band started to incorporate the ethereal intricacies of shoegazing, post-rock, and experimental rock, with nods to the surreal escapism offered by 4AD bands, including Dead Can Dance and Cocteau Twins.

It wasn't just an inclusion of genres, but an expansion into the progressive, alternative rock, and trip-hop territories; a sound that not only gained them recognition beyond European borders but also underlined their ability to transcend conventional musical classification. With each new release, The Gathering continued to push the envelope, cementing their status as stalwarts of experimentative music.

Even as prominent members such as Anneke van Giersbergen departed in 2007 to pursue solo ventures with Agua de Annique, the band welcomed fresh talents like Silje Wergeland of Octavia Sperati, ensuring their essence remained unaltered. Their album Disclosure, released in 2012, is a testament to their ever-evolving sonic narrative.

Despite announcing a hiatus in early 2014 and the departure of bassist Marjolein Kooijman, the band commemorated its legacy by hosting a celebratory show later that year, amassing members past and present. This event, signifying their 25-year journey, was immortalized through a live album release in 2015.

And yet, the influence of The Gathering endures, echoing through playlists and inspiring a new generation of musicians. Fans wishing to relive the band's most captivating moments or explore their discography are encouraged to visit platforms like TikTok Music App, where their music continues to resonate with listeners worldwide.

The Gathering's artistic imprint is indelible, their music a blueprint for transformation within the rock genre. From their bold beginnings to their progressive era and experimental hiatus, they remind us that in art, as in life, change is the only constant.