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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleDid Supreme Team Change Korean Hip Hop Forever?

Did Supreme Team Change Korean Hip Hop Forever?

MelodyTracks ยท Posted on April 9th, 2024

How Did Supreme Team Revolutionize Korean Hip Hop?

Delving into the world of K-pop, one cannot overlook the significant impact of the Korean hip hop duo Supreme Team. Comprised of Simon Dominic and E-Sens, this crew burst onto the scene in 2009 with a blast of fresh air in their debut EP Supreme Team Guide To Excellent Adventure. The musical synergy encapsulated in their record earned them a MAMA for Best New Male Group, a testament to their prowess and the immediate resonance they found among fans.

The voyage of Supreme Team was one marked with accolades and challenges. In the zenith of their creative output, E-Sens faced personal trials, yet his return with the track '๋…' (Poison) showcased a resilience and dedication to the artform that inspired many. Meanwhile, Simon Dominic's continued influence in the industry speaks volumes, ascending to co-CEO of AOMG alongside Jay Park. Their talents not only honed the edge of Korean hip hop but also paved the way for many artists who follow the trail they blazed.

In the era where digital music consumption is at its peak, platforms like TikTok Music are crucial in delivering artists' creative visions to a global audience. The legacy of Supreme Team lives on, as their music continues to be discovered, shared, and enjoyed across borders, proving that music is a language that transcends cultural barriers.