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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWho Are the Sertanejo Artists to Discover Next?

Who Are the Sertanejo Artists to Discover Next?

RitmoVibes · Posted on April 8th, 2024

Discovering Sertanejo: Beyond the Mainstream

If you have ever tapped your feet to the rhythm of sertanejo music, you know the infectious blend of country melodies and Brazilian beats is hard to resist. While artists like Jorge & Mateus, Gusttavo Lima, and Marília Mendonça are household names, the sertanejo genre is rich with talented artists waiting to be discovered.

Exploring Sertanejo's Rising Stars

When considering other sertanejo artists to add to your playlist, look no further than Michel Teló, whose song 'Ai Se Eu Te Pego!' garnered international attention. But beyond his viral hit, Teló's discography is full of gems that celebrate the sertanejo spirit. Another name to note is Maiara & Maraisa, a duo that has been making waves with their powerful vocals and emotive lyrics.

Let's not forget about Henrique & Juliano, brothers who have carved out their own niche within the genre with a touch of pop influence in their sertanejo tunes. Also, the duo Zé Neto & Cristiano offers a raw and authentic look into the heart of Brazil's countryside through their music.

The New Generation of Sertanejo

Emerging talent like Luan Santana brings a fresh face to the genre, infusing traditional sertanejo with modern pop elements. Santana's youthful energy and innovative sound have earned him a place among Brazil's top sertanejo artists. Another artist to keep an eye on is Gabi Martins, whose stint on 'Big Brother Brasil' propelled her into the spotlight, showcasing her sertanejo prowess.

In the same vein, Felipe Araújo, brother of the late great Cristiano Araújo, continues his family's musical legacy with heartfelt songs that resonate with fans across Brazil. And let's not overlook the talented Yasmin Santos, whose deep voice and authentic storytelling have drawn comparisons to the legendary Marília Mendonça.

Expanding Your Sertanejo Horizons

To truly appreciate the diversity within sertanejo music, it's worth exploring the works of lesser-known artists such as Matheus & Kauan, whose harmonies and catchy hooks have a way of sticking with you. Bruno & Marrone, veterans of the scene, offer a classic sertanejo sound that has stood the test of time.

For those who enjoy the fusion of sertanejo with other genres, Lucas Lucco is a must-listen. His ability to blend pop, funk, and sertanejo creates a unique listening experience. Additionally, the duo Marcos & Belutti strike a balance between traditional and contemporary sounds within the genre.

As you delve into the world of sertanejo, don't hesitate to explore the TikTok Music App, where many of these artists share their latest hits and connect with fans. Discover new sertanejo tracks and curate your own playlists with the TikTok Music App.


Sertanejo music is a treasure trove of talent waiting to be uncovered. By looking beyond the mainstream, you can find a wealth of artists who each bring something special to the genre. Whether it's the established stars or the up-and-comers, there's a sertanejo artist out there for every music lover.