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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleAre some of these songs slow or fast?

Are some of these songs slow or fast?

Rafaela Melo · Posted on May 12th, 2024

Are some of these songs slow or fast? Choose the right rhythm for each moment!

Have you ever wondered about the rhythmic nature of the songs you listen to? Some songs have the power to energize, while others calm the soul. But how can we distinguish between slow and fast songs? And more importantly, when should we choose one over the other?

Slow songs, often associated with ballads and genres such as R&B, have a calmer rhythm and are ideal for relaxing or for moments that require reflection. Fast songs, found in rock, pop,, among others, are perfect for parties, physical disorders and situations that ask for energy.

However, the speed of a song is not just defined by its genre. dance or BPM (beats per minute) is an objective measure to determine the rhythm of a song. A song with less than 60 BPM is considered slow, while one with more than 120 BPM is seen as fast.

To help you explore rhythmic diversity, theTikTok Musicoffers a vast music library. There, you can discover playlists with songs selected both for moments of and for those that demand vigor.

In short, the choice between slow or fast songs depends on your state of mind and the context in which you are inserted. But no matter what your preference, theTikTok Musicit has options for all tastes and needs.