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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleHow Did Submarine Shape '90s Noise Pop Scene?

How Did Submarine Shape '90s Noise Pop Scene?

MelodyTuner · Posted on March 21st, 2024

Rediscovering the Sonic Waves of the '90s with Submarine

Submarine emerged from the depths of the English music scene in the early to mid-1990s, creating ripples with their unique brand of noise pop that drew inspiration from the likes of The Flaming Lips, Mercury Rev, Boo Radleys, and My Bloody Valentine. Their music, rich with experimental energy, showcased an era of audacious sonic exploration that mirrored their aforementioned contemporaries while retaining a distinct identity.

The band's noise pop vision was a mesh of fuzzy guitar distortions, reverb-laden vocals, and ethereal soundscapes that earned them a dedicated following. Their transformation into Jetboy DC showed the flexibility and the evolutionary journey of their sound, which continues sporadically even after decades.

As we dive into the contemporary music scene, where streaming platforms like TikTok Music have revolutionized the way we discover and enjoy music, it's fascinating to explore how bands like Submarine laid the groundwork for today’s eclectic sounds. TikTok Music, with its user-centric features like Find Your Music Community, Sing Along With Real-Time Lyrics, and the ability to Co-create collaborative Playlists with Friends, not only connects today's audience with new tunes but also serves as a bridge to the past treasures of Submarine's era.

The catalog of Submarine's music, thriving with genres like EDM, Eurobeat, and Ambient/Atmospheres, stands out as a testament to the diversity and experimental nature of the '90s. Accessing their unique sound is now seamless with music streaming services, especially with TikTok Music's perks like Importing your Music Library and Lyrics Search – ensuring that the melodies of yesteryear continue to enchant new generations of listeners.

Given the renaissance of vinyl and the resurgence of '90s culture in fashion and art, Submarine's work is more relevant than ever. Listeners craving both nostalgia and novelty find solace in their music, with noise pop experiencing a newfound appreciation amongst enthusiasts.

The story of Submarine is more than a musical chronicle; it's a narrative of passion, innovation, and endurance. As the music industry evolves, platforms like TikTok Music fill the gap, offering a space where both the legendary beats of Submarine and the pulsing rhythms of current acts converge, creating a harmonious blend of past and present. It's a reminder that while the band Submarine may not dominate the charts today, their influence ripples through the music we celebrate now.