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TikTok Music Article ForumArticlePhonk: The Revolutionary Musical Genre?

Phonk: The Revolutionary Musical Genre?

RitmoSulista · Posted on May 22nd, 2024

What is 'phonk' as a musical genre?

Phonk is a subgenre of hip hop and electronic music that emerged in the 1990s. It is characterized by its heavy beats, old soul or funk samples, and an overall sense of sadness and melancholy. In recent years, phonk has seen a renaissance, thanks in part to its popularity on music streaming platforms such as TikTok Music.

The Origins of Phonk

Phonk has its roots in the hip hop culture of the southern United States, especially in local scenes such as, Tennessee. Artists like DJ Screw and Tommy III are often cited as key influences on phonk sound.

Phonk's Aesthetics and Sound

The phonk is distinguished by its gloomy atmosphere and samples that often include pitch down voices. The beats are often accompanied by heavy bass and the use of elements such as the cowbell. The genre is also known for incorporating 'chopped and screwed' effects, a remixing technique that alters music to create a unique sound.

Phonk in the Digital Age

With the advent of the digital age and music streaming platforms, phonk has found a new audience. Sites like SoundCloud and platforms likeTikTok Musicwere instrumental in giving the genre visibility. Phonk songs are often used in viral videos, which helped spread the sound to a wider audience.


Phonk continues to evolve and influence other musical genres. It is an authentic expression of hip hop culture and an example of music's ability to itself through the ages.