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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleHow Did Peking Duk Conquer the Dance Music Scene?

How Did Peking Duk Conquer the Dance Music Scene?

Melody Rhythm · Posted on June 1st, 2024

Welcome to the world of TikTok Music, where the beats merge with the virtual pulse, and artists like the phenomenal Peking Duk have cemented their status as icons. Hailing from the vibrant city of Canberra, Adam Hyde and Reuben Styles comprise the duo that has been setting dance floors ablaze.

Their origin story is as dynamic as their music, beginning in 2010 and quickly evolving into an era of back-to-back platinum hits. With a distinct flair, they took the industry by storm, releasing chart-topping tracks such as the four-times platinum ‘High’ in 2014 which not only dominated airplay but earned them their first ARIA award. They continued to break records with ‘Stranger’ featuring Elliphant in 2016 and ‘Fire’ in 2018, each accumulating platinum statuses and amassing millions of streams.

This year is no different, as they gear up to release ‘Chemicals,’ a track that promises all the hallmarks of a quintessential Peking Duk hit. It's expected to deliver that same emotional depth, euphoric highs, and party-ready beats they're known for. With such a track record, Peking Duk isn't just a musical act; they represent the undying spirit of Australia's EDM scene.

Infusing Emotionality into Electronic Dance Music

What makes Peking Duk stand apart in the saturated arena of EDM and House music genres is their ability to infuse deep emotionality into their tracks. Their work is a reminder that behind every thumping bassline and electrifying synthesizer, there’s a human experience waiting to be shared, stirred, and celebrated.

From the anthem ‘High’ that likely dominated your favorite festival playlist to ‘Stranger,’ which echoed through the late-night party hours, their music is a journey through feelings and memories. It's no wonder that Peking Duk has become a household name for those in and around TikTok Music and beyond.

Their credibility is not just seen but felt. With ARIA and APRA awards tucked under their belt, they don't just create music; they create moments - forever etched in the highs and lows of Australia's beat-loving heart.

What's Next for Peking Duk?

As digital platforms continue to reshape music consumption, artists like Peking Duk are at the forefront, embracing the changes. Their presence on TikTok Music and other streaming services has allowed them to connect with fans in unprecedented ways. The digital wave has not only expanded their reach but also boosted their creative outputs.

Whether it’s the sensory delight of ‘Chemicals’ about to drop this June or the cherished classics from their repertoire, Peking Duk's future looks as effervescent as their music. To become part of this electrifying journey, fans are encouraged to experience the thrill on TikTok Music, where ‘Chemicals’ will undoubtedly make a splash.

In closing, Peking Duk reminds us that in a world of fleeting trends, true artistry and passion can sustain a career that not only excites but also endures. Keep your eyes, ears, and hearts open for ‘Chemicals,’ another potential chart-topper that will have everyone talking - and dancing.