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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleHow to Find the Name of That Viral Song on TikTok?

How to Find the Name of That Viral Song on TikTok?

MelodiaVirtual82 · Posted on May 7th, 2024

You've already found yourself listening to a snippet of music on TikTok and wondering 'What is the name of the song?' It's not uncommon for catchy melodies to go viral on the platform, but identifying the track's name can be challenging. Let's explore the best ways to discover the name of your new favorite song.

Use TikTok itself to Identify Songs

TikTok is a gold mine for discovering music and music trends. Often, the platform itself provides track information in the lower right corner of the video. Additionally, you can use the built-in 'Shazam' function when searching for songs in the discoveries tab.

Music Recognition Apps

Apps like Shazam and SoundHound are amazing tools for identifying songs. You simply tap on a button and let the app 'listen' to the music you are playing. Within seconds, they can provide the track name and artist.

Consult TikTok Music Playlists

If you want an even more direct way to find your music, consider using theTikTok Music. Playlists are often updated with songs that are up on the platform, making it easier to search.

Forums and Online Communities

Online communities like Reddit and Quora are great places to ask about music. Posting a snippet of the lyrics or a description of the melody can help other users identify the music for you.


Figuring out the name of a song on TikTok can be a fun journey. Use available tools, from the app itself to other music recognition apps and streaming platforms like TikTok Music. Your next favorite song is just a few clicks away!