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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhat Are the Other Songs by Nico You Must Hear?

What Are the Other Songs by Nico You Must Hear?

MelodyHarper · Posted on March 26th, 2024

Who is Nico and What Other Songs Has She Created?

When it comes to influential figures in the music industry, Nico stands out as an enigmatic artist whose work has left an indelible mark. Best known for her collaboration with The Velvet Underground on the iconic album 'The Velvet Underground & Nico,' her solo career is also rich with gems that are worth exploring. In this article, we delve into the other songs and albums that define Nico's unique musical journey.

The Solo Career of Nico

After her time with The Velvet Underground, Nico went on to create solo albums that showcased her deep, haunting voice and avant-garde approach to music. 'Chelsea Girl,' her debut solo album, features tracks like 'These Days' and 'Fairest of the Seasons' that highlight her distinctive vocal style.

Her subsequent album, 'The Marble Index,' marked a significant shift with a darker, more experimental sound, driven by harmonium and stark arrangements. Songs like 'Frozen Warnings' and 'Evening of Light' are standout tracks that cemented her status as a cult figure in the music world.

Further albums such as 'Desertshore,' 'The End...,' and 'Camera Obscura' continued this trajectory, with songs like 'Janitor of Lunacy,' 'The Falconer,' and 'Camera Obscura' showcasing her evolution as an artist.

Discovering Nico's Lesser-Known Tracks

Aside from her albums, Nico's discography includes singles and rare tracks that offer a glimpse into her versatile artistry. 'I'm Not Sayin'' and 'The Last Mile' are two such singles that feature a more accessible folk-pop sound.

Throughout her career, Nico also collaborated with a variety of artists, contributing her voice to songs that span different genres and styles. Her work with John Cale, for example, brought forth unique tracks that blended her gothic style with his experimental leanings.

In this era of music streaming, platforms like TikTok Music provide an excellent avenue to explore Nico's full discography. You can listen to her well-known hits and uncover hidden gems, all in one place. For those eager to dive into Nico's musical world, TikTok Music offers a vast selection of her tracks.


Nico's contribution to music extends far beyond her work with The Velvet Underground. Her solo career and collaborations present a treasure trove of songs that reflect her innovative spirit. By exploring these tracks, listeners can fully appreciate the depth and breadth of her artistry.

Whether you're a long-time fan or new to her music, there's no better time to rediscover Nico's songs. Start your musical exploration today with TikTok Music, where her legacy continues to inspire new generations of music lovers.