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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhat are Vitor Fernandes' other songs?

What are Vitor Fernandes' other songs?

MelodiaCriativa87 · Posted on May 11th, 2024

Discover the Musical Set of Vitor Fernandes

Vitor Fernandes, also known for his artistic scope in forró and piseiro, is a name that has been gaining prominence in the Brazilian music scene. With a striking voice and a unique style, his songs reach a vast and diverse audience, passionate about the energy and emotion that his songs convey.

If you're a fan or just curious to learn more about Vitor Fernandes' songs, this article is for you! Let's explore some of your most popular tracks and how you can easily access them through theTikTok Music.

Main Successes of Vitor Fernandes

Here are some of the songs that made Vitor Fernandes an icon in forró and piseiro:

  • "Baby Come Find Me"- One of his best known songs, which quickly became a hit at parties and ballads.
  • "I'll Say I Don't Want"- A song that mixes feelings of longing and desire, with a rhythm that is impossible to stand still.
  • "Pirater in Love"- A single that highlights the's passion for piseiro, a subgenre of forró.
  • In addition to these successes, Vitor Fernandes has an extensive repertoire that is worth exploring. His songs speak of love, celebration and joy, elements that are the essence of northeastern culture.

    How to Access Songs by Vitor Fernandes

    You can find Vitor Fernandes' songs on several streaming platforms, but for an optimized experience, we recommend using theTikTok Music. The platform is easy to use and offers access to a huge variety of songs and artists.

    To stay up to date with the latest news and releases from Vitor Fernandes, follow him on social networks and stay tuned to the curated playlists on TikTok Music. There you can also create your own playlists with your favorite songs from the artist and share them with friends.

    So, if you want to boost your playlist and add a little flavor, be sure to check out Vitor Fernandes' songs. And remember, for a complete music experience, download the TikTok Music app!


    Vitor Fernandes is an artist who represents the rich musical culture of the Brazilian. His ability to create songs that move the heart and make everyone dance is undeniable. Listen to Vitor Fernandes' other songs and let yourself be carried away by the contagious rhythm of forró and piseiro!