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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhat hits marked Irajá's Vida Nova Project?

What hits marked Irajá's Vida Nova Project?

Célio Harmonia · Posted on March 29th, 2024

What are the most popular songs from Irajá's Vida Nova Project?

Irajá's Plano Vida Nova is known for its expressive performance in the Brazilian gospel scene, gathering a repertoire of praises that touch the soul and convey messages of faith and hope. In this article, we will explore some of the most songs loved by the public of this project.

1. 'I Surrender' - A Song of Worship

This song is a call to repentance and total surrender to God. With its soft melody and playing lyrics, 'Eu Me Rendo' quickly became a hymn inside and outside the Project Vida Nova churches.

2. 'Over Spirit' - Invoking the divine presence

'Sopra Espírito' is a sung prayer that seeks the intervention and power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the faithful. The depth of its message makes it one of the most impactful songs in the repertoire.

3. 'Brave Heart' - The Strength of Faith

With a message of courage and determination, 'Brave Heart' inspires listeners to rely on the strength that comes from God to face life's challenges.

Although we do not have access to a complete list of the most popular songs from PROJECT Vida Nova de Irajá, these are some of the songs that certainly touch the hearts of many and represent the essence of the project. For those who want to explore more songs and inspiring artists, we invite you to experience theTikTok Music, where you can find a wide selection of gospel songs and much more.