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How do songs go viral on TikTok?

MelodiaRitmo · Posted on April 25th, 2024

TikTok has become one of the most influential platforms for discovering new songs and trends. With its unique algorithm, a song can go viral overnight, reaching millions of users around the world. But how exactly does one song become a hit on TikTok?

First, it's important to understand that TikTok favors content that is highly shareable and engaging. This means that songs with catchy beats, easy-to-memory lyrics, and potential for dance or challenge creation tend to do well on the platform.

In addition, the TikTok community in Brazil is very active and directly influences the popularity of a song. When a user creates a video that becomes popular, the music chosen to accompany this video often gains prominence, being used by other users in their own videos.

Artists and record companies have recognized the importance of TikTok as a marketing tool and are increasingly releasing snippets of their songs on the platform to engage listeners. Many songs that reached the top of the charts started as a simple viral video on TikTok.

To find out about the most played songs on TikTok Brasil, you can download the applicationTikTok Musicand explore current trends.

Cultural Impact of TikTok on Music

TikTok's impact on the music industry goes beyond the charts of success. The platform plays an important role in how music is consumed and shared, especially among younger people. TikTok has allowed independent, niche artists to find global excellence, often without the support of major record companies.

TikTok's musical culture also reflects the diverse communities that make up the platform. In Brazil, for example, genres such as funk, sertanejo and pagode often gain prominence, reflecting local preferences and the country's cultural diversity.

In short, TikTok has revolutionized the way songs are promoted and listened to. With its growing influence, the app is not only an entertainment platform, but also a powerful means of music discovery.