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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhat Are MC Cabelinho's Lesser-Known Tracks?

What Are MC Cabelinho's Lesser-Known Tracks?

Ritmo Scribe · Posted on March 23rd, 2024

Discovering MC Cabelinho: A Journey Through His Musical Repertoire

When it comes to the vibrant world of Brazilian funk, one name that has been making waves is MC Cabelinho. His unique blend of funk carioca rhythms with contemporary urban influences has earned him a dedicated following. But what other songs has MC Cabelinho graced the music scene with, apart from his well-known hits?

MC Cabelinho's Musical Beginnings

Before diving into his discography, it's important to understand MC Cabelinho's musical roots. Emerging from the favelas of Brazil, his music speaks to the experiences and stories of his community, offering a voice to those often unheard. His lyrical prowess and catchy beats have positioned him as a significant figure in the Brazilian music industry.

A Glimpse at MC Cabelinho's Discography

MC Cabelinho's career is adorned with a variety of tracks that showcase his versatility as an artist. From party anthems to more reflective pieces, his songs cover a wide emotional spectrum. Below are some of the other songs by MC Cabelinho that fans and new listeners alike might find captivating:

  • "Meu Mundo" - A track that talks about his life and aspirations.
  • "Coração Balada" - A song that blends romantic funk with a danceable beat.
  • "Pode Se Soltar" - Known for its infectious rhythm, it's a song that gets everyone moving.
  • "Zona Sul" - This song pays homage to his roots and the southern part of Rio de Janeiro.

Exploring Features and Collaborations

MC Cabelinho is not just a solo act; he has collaborated with various artists, bringing different flavors to his music. These collaborations have resulted in some memorable tracks that have resonated with audiences:

  • "Todo Amor do Mundo" - A collaboration with another funk star that delves into themes of love and companionship.
  • "Vida de Rei" - A song that features a mix of MC Cabelinho's signature style with a fellow artist's touch.

MC Cabelinho Beyond Music

Aside from his music, MC Cabelinho has also ventured into other forms of expression. His presence in the media and participation in cultural events have further solidified his status as an influential figure in Brazilian entertainment.

Connecting with MC Cabelinho's Music

For those looking to explore MC Cabelinho's music further, streaming platforms like TikTok Music offer an extensive library of his tracks. With features like playlist creation and real-time lyrics, fans can enjoy a comprehensive musical experience.


MC Cabelinho's contribution to the music industry extends beyond his hits. His other songs provide a deeper understanding of his artistry and the messages he wishes to convey. As he continues to release new music, his repertoire will undoubtedly expand, offering even more for listeners to discover and enjoy.