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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleSongs of Choice to Accompany Rain and a Grim Heart

Songs of Choice to Accompany Rain and a Grim Heart

Melodi Kehidupan · Posted on April 18th, 2024

What Is the Right Song to Listen to During Rain and Grim Mood?

When it rains, bringing a cold and calm atmosphere, often our mood also changes. Many people feel more melancholy or introspective when it rains. Music can be the perfect companion to accompany moments like this. The following are some songs that can be the right choice to listen to when it rains and your mood is gloomy.

Melancholic Songs to Accompany the Rain

  • Sincere - Rain in December句: This song has gentle melody and profound lyrics, suitable for listening to when it rains and you are contemplating life.
  • Shady Umbrella - Akad: With a soothing acoustic guitar sound, this song brings a warm romantic feel even though it is raining heavily outside.
  • Glenn Fredly - Just This Once: This song is able to describe a deep longing, very fitting for the rainy atmosphere that makes you want to be silent and contemplate.
  • Special Playlists for Rainy Days

    Not only individual songs, but you can also create a special playlist that contains songs with rain themes or that have a melancholy feel. With the applicationTikTok Music, you can find a variety of songs suitable to listen to when the weather is rainy and your mood is not cheerful. Here are some song recommendations for your playlist:

    • Rainy Day Playlist: A collection of songs with rain themes that can make you feel calmer and relaxed.
    • Melancholy Melodies: A row of songs with melancholy melodies, suitable for reflection or when you need calm.
    • Ambience Acoustic: Acoustic song selection that can add a warm atmosphere when the rain falls.
    • When looking for the right song, pay attention to the lyrics and melodies that can blend into your mood. Music has the power to affect our emotions, so choose a song that can bring comfort and peace to your heart.

      Benefits of Listening to Music in the Rain

      Listening to music when it rains has several benefits, including:

      • Improve mood: Music can help you feel better and reduce feelings of moodiness.
      • Stimulating creativity: Rain often sparks creativity, and music can be the perfect catalyst for that.
      • Accompany alone time: Rain can be an ideal time for introspection, and music is a good companion to accompany these moments.
      • Remember that music is one of the best ways to accompany your days, especially when it rains and the mood is not good. So, do not hesitate to open the appTikTok Musicand create your own playlist that can accompany every drop of rain that falls.

        Enjoy the music and let the rain wash away all the sadness in the heart.