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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhat kind of music does Mulan Jameela sing?

What kind of music does Mulan Jameela sing?

Ratih Kusumawardani · Posted on April 21st, 2024

What kind of music does Mulan Jameela usually sing?

Mulan Jameela is one of Indonesian music artists who has its own characteristics in the music world. Starting from the Queen music group, Mulan has now become a successful soloist with diverse music styles. In this article, we will dig deeper into the types of music that Mulan Jameela usually sings and how her works can be enjoyed through various music streaming platforms.

Popular Music Types Mulan Jameela

Mulan Jameela is known for her distinctive hoarse wet voice and stunning stage style. Most of her songs carry the genrepopwith a touchrock. Mulan also often inserts elementselectronicanddanceto add uniqueness to his music.

Some of the hit songs that have been sung by Mulan Jameela, such as'The Most Sexy God Creature 'and'Wonder Woman', are proof of his skill in processing the pop and rock genre.

Cultural Influence in Mulan Jameela's Music

Cultural influence is also evident in the music performed by Mulan. Her songs are often colored with nuancesethnicwhich shows his love for Indonesian culture.

Streaming Platform to Enjoy Mulan Jameela Music

For music fans of Mulan Jameela, her songs can be enjoyed through various music streaming platforms. One of the recommended platforms is TikTok Music.Download the TikTok Music appnow also to get access to the full collection of songs Mulan Jameela as well as other favorite artists.


Mulan Jameela has shown diversity in the music she brings. From pop to rock, and ethnic touches, Mulan continues to enrich the Indonesian music industry. Continue to support Mulan s music works by listening to them through TikTok Music and other music streaming platforms.