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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhat Tayara Andreza songs have you not heard yet?

What Tayara Andreza songs have you not heard yet?

MelodiaCerta · Posted on May 24th, 2024

What are Tayara Andreza's other popular songs?

Tayara Andreza is a remarkable voice in the Brazilian music scene, especially known for her contributions to the brega genre and forró. With a career full of songs that excite and make people dance, Tayara has a repertoire that goes far beyond her greatest hits. In this article, we'll explore some of Tayara Andreza's other popular songs that you may not know yet.

Exploring Tayara Andreza's Repertoire

In addition to her widely known hits, such as 'Decidir' and 'DNA', Tayara Andreza has several other tracks that have won the hearts of fans. Her songs often speak of love, love disappointments and the strength of women, themes that resonate with many listeners.

Songs You Need to Listen

  • 'You'll Have To Put Me Up'
  • 'Good Error'
  • 'Now Chora'
  • 'Bipolar'
  • 'Mixed'.
  • These songs show Tayara Andreza's versatility and the ability to create hits that adapt to different moods and situations. Whether in moments of celebration or reflection, Tayara's music has the power to touch the soul.

    Learn more Songs

    For those who want to explore Tayara Andreza's musical universe even more, theTikTok MusicIt's an excellent platform. There, you can find a wide selection of his songs and perhaps discover new favorites.


    Tayara Andreza's songs are true hymns of strength and resilience, and exploring her musical catalog is an exciting journey. Be sure to check out these other popular tracks and allow yourself to be carried away by the voice and rhythm of this incredible artist.