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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhat is the Genre of the Recommended songs on TikTok Music?

What is the Genre of the Recommended songs on TikTok Music?

MelodyMaven · Posted on March 14th, 2024

The dawn of digital music platforms has gifted us the ability to explore a vast spectrum of genres. One such groundbreaking application is TikTok Music. However, a pertinent question that often besieges the mind is, 'What's the genre of the recommended songs?' Here's an insight into the unseen layers of music recommendation on TikTok.

Platforms like TikTok Music employ intelligent algorithms to offer song recommendations. These algorithms carefully evaluate your past interactions with music, including the genres you listen to, songs you have liked or shared, artists you follow, and much more. This vast gamut of data helps the platform discern your taste, subsequently influencing the genre of the recommended songs.

TikTok music has recently introduced new music discovery features that further enhance user experience. 'Party It' allows for personalized collaborative listening, while 'FYP Tuning' enables users to choose music scenes and moods.

Rather intriguingly, TikTok Music has also introduced Tonik, a music discovery assistant powered by ChatGPT. Tonik is a commendably intelligent feature that fetches answers to any music-related questions by its users. By asking Tonik about a specific track, artist, or playlist, users could further refine their recommendations. ‘Tonik’, however, is restricted for individuals who are above 18 years of age.

Intriguingly, you can decode the mystery even if you do not know the song title or artist’s name by merely searching for the lyrics. Also, the built-in lyrics feature makes it easier for you to sing along, thereby enhancing your overall musical experience.

Ultimately, the genre of the music recommended to you is significantly influenced by your activities on the platform. Musical platforms are designed to understand and cater to your taste, as identified by your musical interactions. Embrace this personalized melodic journey and dive into the sea of music that TikTok Music unfolds for you.