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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhat Genre is 'Every Single Day' and Who's the Artist?

What Genre is 'Every Single Day' and Who's the Artist?

Melody Rhythmix · Posted on May 28th, 2024

Exploring the Genre and Artist Behind 'Every Single Day'

Music, an art form that transcends boundaries, often leaves an imprint on our daily lives. 'Every Single Day' is a track that might have caught your attention, but what exactly is the genre of this enigmatic piece, and who is the artist that brought it to life?

The Genre of 'Every Single Day'

The music industry is abundant with a myriad of genres, each bringing a unique vibe and story. 'Every Single Day' is classified under Electronic Dance Music (EDM). EDM is a broad range of percussive electronic music genres made largely for nightclubs, raves, and festivals. It is characterized by its focus on dance rhythms, catchy melodies, and often, the use of repetitive beats and synthesized backing tracks.

The Artist Behind the Track

'Every Single Day' is the creation of the artist known as DJ Echo. DJ Echo has been a prominent figure in the EDM scene, known for his addictive beats and ability to get the crowd moving. With a passion for creating music that resonates with the soul, DJ Echo has mastered the art of electronic soundscapes.

Are you intrigued by the sound of 'Every Single Day'? Discover more music like this on the TikTok Music App, where you can explore a world of genres and artists at your fingertips.


'Every Single Day', with its electronic beats and rhythm, is a testament to the diverse landscape of EDM. The artist, DJ Echo, continues to inspire and entertain music lovers around the globe. For those who desire to delve deeper into the realm of EDM or discover the next DJ Echo hit, the TikTok Music App offers an extensive platform to explore and enjoy music.