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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhich Sertanejo Genres Most Common?

Which Sertanejo Genres Most Common?

MelodiaCultural · Posted on April 26th, 2024

Discover Sertanejo's Musical Genres

Osertanejois one of the most loved and listened to musical genres in all of Brazil, with deep roots in the country's culture and history. With a rich diversity of subgenres, the sertanejo crosses generations and continues to gain new admirers. In this article, we are going to explore the most common musical genres within the sertanejo and how they manifest themselves today.

1. Sertanejo Raiz

Osertanejois the most traditional form of the genre, characterized by lyrics that speak of rural daily life, country life and the simple feelings of life. It is marked by the use of acoustic instruments such as a caipira viola, accordion and guitar.

2. Romantic Sertanejo

Oromantic sertanejo, as its name suggests, focuses on love themes and hearts in love. With softer melodies and lyrics that speak of love and heartbreak, this subgenre gained momentum in the 90s and is still very popular.

3. University Sertanejo

Osertanejoemerged in the early 2000s and quickly became a favorite among young people. With a livelier rhythm and lyrics that address contemporary themes, the sertanejo is ideal for parties and social gatherings.

4. Sertanejo Brega

Osertanejo bregafocuses on humorous and sometimes ironic lyrics, dealing with love disappointments in a light and uncompromising way. It is a subgenre that gains followers for its fun and relaxed character.

5. Sertanejo Pop

With the fusion of pop elements, thepop sertanejoit is a modern aspect that seeks to reach a wider audience, mixing contemporary beats and more elaborate arrangements with the essence of the sertanejo.

These are just some of the subgenres of sertanejo that continue to shape Brazil's musical landscape. To explore even more and perhaps discover your favorite new music, consider using theTikTok Music, where you can find an incredible variety of tracks and artists from the sertanejo.