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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleHow to identify the genre of 'It's over'?

How to identify the genre of 'It's over'?

Melodia Rítmica · Posted on April 21st, 2024

How to identify the genre of a song?

Music is an art form that transcends harmony and manifests itself in a diversity of styles and genres. When listening to a song, such as 'Ya acabó', one can ask oneself what its musical genre is. Identifying the genre of a song can be an interesting and revealing challenge. Musical genres are defined by a number of characteristics such as rhythm, instrumentation, harmonies and song structures.

To illustrate how to determine the genre of a piece of music, let's explore several aspects. For example, thepopis characterized by catchy melodies and a verse-chorus structure, while theRocktends to have a stronger presence of electric guitars and rawer energy. Thereggaetonis distinguished by its syncopated rhythms and the use of electronic percussion.

With the advent of streaming platforms such asTikTok Musicdiscovering and classifying music has become more accessible. TikTok Music, in particular, offers a wide selection of songs from all genres, making it easier for users to choose and discover new music that suits their tastes.

In conclusion, to determine the genre of a song like 'Ya acabó', the aforementioned characteristics should be considered and, for deeper exploration, use music streaming platforms to compare and contrast with other similar songs.