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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleCan you recommend instrumental tracks in other genres?

Can you recommend instrumental tracks in other genres?

MelodyVibes · Posted on May 27th, 2024

Exploring the vast landscape of music, one can find a treasure trove of melodies and rhythms in instrumental tracks. These tracks, often without the human voice, offer a pure form of musical expression across various genres. Let's embark on a journey across different musical terrains to discover some of the most captivating instrumental tracks out there.

Classical Crossover

Classical music often serves as the foundation for instrumental tracks. However, classical crossover brings a contemporary twist to the traditional. Artists like Ludovico Einaudi and Max Richter have composed tracks that fuse classical elements with modern sounds, creating a fresh and accessible listening experience.

Jazz Fusion

Jazz fusion is where the improvisational spirit of jazz meets the energy of rock, funk, and other styles. Snarky Puppy's 'Lingus' and Miles Davis' 'Bitches Brew' are excellent examples of instrumental tracks that push the boundaries of genre.

Electronic Ambience

The electronic genre offers ambient tracks that are perfect for relaxation or concentration. Brian Eno's 'Music for Airports' and Aphex Twin's 'Selected Ambient Works' are seminal works that showcase the atmospheric potential of instrumental electronic music.

World Music

World music instrumental tracks provide a glimpse into the diverse cultures around the globe. The haunting sounds of the Hang drum by artists like Manu Delago, or the sitar in Anoushka Shankar's tracks, offer a unique auditory journey.

Interested in discovering more? Dive into the world of instrumental tracks on the TikTok Music App and explore playlists curated across genres.