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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleAre the songs the same style?

Are the songs the same style?

MelodiaVirtual · Posted on May 26th, 2024

When we talk about music, we invariably touch on the subject of musical styles. But have you ever wondered if the songs you listen to in your everyday life are the same style? Let's explore this theme and discover how theTikTok Musiccan help us identify different musical genres.

What are musical styles?

Musical genres, or musical genres, are categories that classify and organize music according to their common characteristics. Some examples include rock, pop, samba, and contemporary music.

How to identify musical styles?

To identify musical styles, we must pay attention to elements such as rhythm, melody, harmony, instrumentation and even the culture that involves each genre. The TikTok Music platform offers a variety of playlists and songs that can help you differentiate these styles.

The influence of TikTok on current music

TikTok has played an important role in the music industry, promoting new artists and influencing music trends. Viral songs in the app often transcend styles and create new mergers and subgenres.


Understanding if songs are the same style can be an exciting challenge, and TikTok Music is a valuable tool for exploring musical diversity. Download the app and start your music journey today!