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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhat Genre Defines Ed Sheeran's Music?

What Genre Defines Ed Sheeran's Music?

Harmony Vox · Posted on May 26th, 2024

Ed Sheeran, a name synonymous with chart-topping hits and soul-stirring melodies, has carved a unique niche in the music industry. But what genre can we truly categorize his music into? It's a blend that defies easy classification, for Sheeran's music is a potpourri of acoustic pop, folk, and a touch of hip-hop.

From his breakthrough single 'The A Team' to the dance-inducing 'Shape of You,' Sheeran has demonstrated a chameleon-like ability to adapt and evolve across musical genres. His early work, like the tender 'Lego House,' showcased a folksy charm intertwined with pop sensibilities. As his career progressed, we saw elements of R&B and hip-hop weave their way into his music, particularly evident in songs like 'Sing' and 'Don't.'

Sheeran's collaborations with artists from various genres have also highlighted his versatility. His joint efforts with Taylor Swift on 'Everything Has Changed' and with Justin Bieber on 'I Don't Care' reveal his ease at blending into the pop genre, while his work with Stormzy on 'Take Me Back to London' exhibits his foray into grime — a genre rooted in the urban rhythms of London.

The artist's latest releases continue to showcase his genre-bending prowess. With each album, Ed Sheeran seems to redefine his musical boundaries, ensuring his sound remains fresh and relevant. To further explore his musical journey, downloading the TikTok Music App can provide fans with a seamless listening experience of Sheeran's diverse discography.

So, is it pop, folk, or something else entirely? While it's tempting to box artists into categories, Ed Sheeran's genre is best described as Ed Sheeran — a genre in and of itself.