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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhich Slumped Runners Are Most Called?

Which Slumped Runners Are Most Called?

Luisa Méndez · Posted on May 29th, 2024

Discover the Most Popular Tumbled Runs of the Momentum

The genre ofhydrated corridorsalso known as trap corridos, is a contemporary fusion that combines traditional Mexican corridos with urban rhythms and trap elements. This musical innovation has gained a massive following, especially among young people, and has seen the emergence of several talented artists who have left their mark on the music industry.

The Songs That Define

For those interested in diving into this genre or simply to stay up to date with the most listened to in the world of synthesized corridos, here is a list of songs that are dominating the charts. These tunes are not only popular on streaming platforms but have also found a special place in the hearts of fans.

  • "I am the Devil" - Natanael Cano
  • "El Drip" - Inheritance of Patterns
  • "Love Falling" - Jr. H
  • "The Trokita" - Ovi
  • "El De La Codeína" - Ruled Force
  • These songs are just the tip of the iceberg and represent an ideal introduction to this emerging musical movement. In addition, many of these tracks are available at theTikTok Music appwhere users can explore a wide range of highlighted corridors and discover new favorites.

    TikTok's on Tumbado Corridos

    The TikTok platform has played a crucial role in spreading the highlighted corridos. Many artists have found in TikTok a medium to share their music and reach a global audience. TheTikTok Music apphas become a place where fans can connect with artists and where hits often go viral, driving the popularity of the songs.

    The impact of TikTok on music is indisputable and the corridos highlighted are a clear example of how a platform can influence the evolution of a music genre.


    corridosdos continue to gain ground in the music industry and their popularity shows no signs of waning. Artists such as Natanael Cano, Herencia de Patrones, Jr. H, Ovi and Fuerza Regida have contributed significantly to this phenomenon. To experience firsthand the excitement surrounding these songs, be sure to visit theTikTok Music appwhere you can enjoy a constantly growing collection of the best of the hanging corridos.