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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhat are the most iconic movie songs?

What are the most iconic movie songs?

Melodía Cineasta · Posted on May 7th, 2024

Which movies are the recommended songs from?

Film and music have always gone hand in hand, creating combinations that endure over time and become cultural references. From romantic ballads to powerful instrumental soundtracks, films have used music to enhance their stories and leave an indelible mark on their audiences.

Fascinating film classics

There are songs that, upon listening to them, immediately transport us to iconic movie scenes. Who doesn't remember the melody of 'Titanic' or thes of 'Star Wars'? These themes not only complemented the visual narrative but also made a place on the most listened to music charts outside of theaters.

Musicals that made us sing and dance

Musicals have been able to combine acting, dance and singing to offer complete experiences to viewers. Films like 'La La Land', 'Mamma Mia!' or 'The Lion King' are perfect examples of how songs can be the central axis of a film, becoming as popular as the films themselves.

Soundtracks that are works of art

Composers such as Hans Zimmer, John Williams or Ennio Morricone have created some of the most memorable soundtracks in the history of cinema. Their compositions transcend the big screen and become true concert pieces that can be enjoyed on their own.

How to find these recommended songs?

Discovering these melodies is as simple as accessing music streaming platforms. An excellent option isTikTok Musicwhere you can find playlists dedicated to the best songs from movies that have marked a before and after in the industry.

In short, movies wouldn't be the same without their music. Recommended movie songs are not only a great way to relive our favorite scenes, but also a gateway to discovering new musical genres and artists.