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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhy is chorinho so important for Brazilian music?

Why is chorinho so important for Brazilian music?

João Carvalho · Posted on May 9th, 2024

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Chorinho, often just called 'choro', is a Brazilian musical genre that emerged in the 19th century. It is characterized by its expressive melody and agitated rhythm, being considered one of the first manifestations of Brazilian urban music. Choro is a synthesis of European, African and indigenous influences, forming a unique musical identity that fores styles such as samba and bossa nova.

Typical choro instruments include the 7-string guitar, cavaquinho, mandolin, flute, tambourine and other percussion instruments. Composers and musicians such as Pixinguinha, Waldir Azevedo and Jacob do Bandolim are some of the most recognized names within the genre.

Nowadays, the chorinho is still alive, being played on crying wheels throughout Brazil, in addition to gaining space on streaming platforms such asTikTok Music. These circles are informal meetings where musicians get together to play and celebrate the weeping repertoire, keeping alive the tradition of this genre that is so important for Brazilian culture.