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Can TikTok Propel Unknown Artists to Fame?

Melody Rhythmix · Posted on May 7th, 2024

How Do Songs by Emerging Artists Become Hits on TikTok?

The music industry has witnessed a paradigm shift with the advent of music streaming platforms, particularly TikTok, where the virality of a track can catapult emerging artists into the limelight overnight. Artists like Amanda Loyola and VICTIN, though not mainstream, have the potential to become sensations through strategic use of such platforms.

The Power of TikTok in Discovering New Music

TikTok has become a fertile ground for discovering new music. With its short-form video format, users can create content that resonates with millions, often using music that then becomes trending. It's not uncommon for songs by artists like Amanda Loyola and VICTIN to gain popularity as they become the soundtrack to viral challenges or memes.

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What Makes a Song Popular on TikTok?

For a song to become popular on TikTok, it needs to have a catchy hook, relatable lyrics, and often a danceable beat. It should be easy to create content around, whether it's a dance challenge, a transformation video, or a humorous sketch. Songs by artists like Amanda Loyola and VICTIN may possess these qualities, making them ripe for virality on the platform.

Emerging Artists and the Viral Spiral

When an emerging artist's song catches on TikTok, it can create a 'viral spiral'. The more users engage with the track, the more it appears in other users' feeds, increasing its popularity and streaming numbers. This can lead to a song charting on mainstream music platforms and even radio play.


While Amanda Loyola and VICTIN may not have a song currently at the top of the TikTok charts, the potential for any artist to achieve viral success on the platform is immense. TikTok continues to be a game-changer in the music industry, offering a unique space for artists to share their music with a global audience.

Ready to explore the latest tracks by up-and-coming artists? Download TikTok Music now and start your musical discovery.